Back on Earth,
Taking (all) the time you need to enjoy good times
In the Petite Nation, in the heart of the villages and along the back roads, a thousand and one attractions and landscapes are ready to surprise and dazzle you. Our region is the perfect place to fill up on memories, literally and figuratively. Your walks with family, lovers or friends promise to be rich in emotions, discoveries and the sharing of unforgettable moments.
The reputation of our events network is well established. Throughout the year, we offer a rich and diverse range of activities. Festivals, events and shows energize our communities and visitors' stays. To make sure you don't miss a thing, keep an eye on social networks and websites!
To create your own walks, consult the latest edition of the "En Petite Nation - Revenez sur Terre" tourist map.
Artists and craftspeople in the cultural sector have adapted to the "new reality" by putting all their creativity to good use. They offer activities and experiences that respect current health regulations.