Namur - Inn/B&B/Guesthouse
Le Salon des Inconnus - Maison Favier
Le Salon des Inconnus is a tourist accommodation center and Artists' Salon (research center for the performing and emerging arts) offering accommodation, activities and facilities to tourists and Artists in Residence alike.
"I want to know the unknowns of this world.
Located in the Favier house, an ancestral jewel in the Outaouais village of Namur, the Salon des Inconnus draws its inspiration from two marginal salons that marked the history of art: the Salon des Refusés, a response to the establishment represented by the Paris Salon, and the Salon Fleurus of Gertrude Stein, a master patron and talent scout for Picasso, Cézanne, Hemmingway, Fitzgerald and other unknowns of the Roaring Twenties.
The salon des Inconnus' mandate is to unearth and promote new, unknown, self-taught or marginalized artists who don't necessarily have access to the resources of the conventional system.
Reduce the artistic waste caused by gatekeeping and the misclassification of art categories.
Promote mutual artistic support, share discoveries, allow each other to explore new ways of creating and establish a collection of works and memories of the new Roaring Twenties.